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Tomas Arteaga LChoice

Tomas Arteaga
© privat

My Startup and Me

When people ask me what I do for a living I reply:
We work on the next generation of e-commerce. We transfer every point of interest into a point of sale. Placards, print advertising and the products itself become point of sales. We call it OMNI-COMMERCE.

If I wanted to explain my business model to my grandmother I would say:
I would rather take another piece of cheesecake, before trying to explain my grandma my business model. 

My idea will change the content industry because...
…we transfer every touchpoint into a point of sale with one simple solution, which brings the customer always right to the local bookshop. The disturbed balance with the plain online book selling is restored. And in addition the marketing for billboard, print and catalogue advertising will gain efficiency. This will spare bookshop owners and publishers the costs for marketing.

My motivation

My work makes me happy when…
…we manage to provide many bookshops with the same (or slightly better) technology as online-retailer. Like this we could restore equality between both parties.

To be able to work well I need…
- to do it for fun and meet nice people.
- Resilience.
- Great but a little weird Colleges.

My experiences

My best experience until now:
- Cooperate only with people who see chances instead of problems
- Don't believe that anyone is waiting for you.
- Keep in mind: Decision-maker pursue their own interests, which might not always be best for your company or the branch in general.

Never again would I…
…(in my life) work as long as I did in a big company , but instead start much sooner with an idea of my own and my partners.

When I meet investors I…
…wonder every time how little they are interested in the business idea itself but much more in a well developed business plan.

The future

When I overcome the next obstacle,…
…there are only 99 other hurdles left to overcome.

If everything happens as planned now, in five years my company will…
…have managed to give the bookshops that 10 percent of sales back that the online retailers gain right now.

If I had a free wish…
…I would wish for more projects like CONTENTShift. More prize money couldn’t hurt as well or at least they could share it between several startups. It would help as well, if there would be a mentor from a big company who would be willing to try out one of the winning ideas. 

In ten years content will be…
…distributed among various channels and in various forms. Quit fast and comfortable for the user. Publishers and bookshops will have to adapt, because the consumer will definitely do that.

You can also find us here
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