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David P. Steel L-Pub

David P. Steel
© Fabian Schwan-Brandt

My Startup and Me

When people ask me what I do for a living I reply:
I am an entrepreneur in the value chain of eBooks.

If I wanted to explain my business model to my grandmother I would say:
…we make books which are above the average. They provide the reader with additional information about characters, places and explain difficult terms exactly when they want and need them.

My idea will change the content industry because...
…we gentrify content and at the same time offer you a better price-performance ratio.

My motivation

My work makes me happy when…
…I am able to improve standardised procedures.

To be able to work well I need…
…great people who are with me, enthusiastically.

My experiences

My best experience until now:
1. Appreciate the feedback of your mentor.
2. Be willing to adopt and reconsider your business model.
3. My membership at the start-up club of the Exchange Association of the German Book Trade and the   related exchange with other start-up’s.

Never again would I…
…assume that plan A will work according to my timeline.

When I meet investors I…
…will ask them about their experiences and expertise.

The future

When I overcome the next obstacle,…
…I am going on vacation.

If everything happens as planned now, in five years my company will…
…employ 100 people and have various offices all around the world.

If I had a free wish…
…I would like to support smaller, social and cultural projects with our sales. 

In ten years content will…
…more and more frequently be sold and consumed in individual parts.

You can also find us here
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