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Detlev Hülsebusch

Detlev Hülsebusch
© privat

My Startup and Me

When people ask me what I do for a living I reply:
I construct business based on the internet.

If I wanted to explain my business model to my grandmother I would say:
You regularly get short texts and videos on topics you are interest directly on your phone.

My idea will change the content industry because...
…we break the mould by bringing content on the smartphone.

My motivation

My work makes me happy when…
…I can be creative.

To be able to work well I need…
…space and the support of my family and friends.

My experiences

My best experience until now:
1. Believe in yourself.
2. Follow your inspiration.
3. Take risks.

Never again would I…
…be an employee (working bee).

When I meet investors I…
…am looking forward to the exchange of ideas.

The future

When I overcome the next obsticle,…
…I know, I am on the right way.

If everything happens as planned now, in five years my company will…
…work and it will give me the possibility for a long-term development.

If I had a free wish…
…I would wish for input in the wisdom app that supports people to have a fulfilling life.

In ten years content will be…
…designed from the start to make a publication via digital media possible!

You can also find us here
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